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Click here to use the family tree application.


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Tips on using the family tree application


Software used is called WebTrees.  It is an open source (no cost) application that is installed on this web server.


Select a person of interest

Use the SEARCH, click one of the MOST COMMON SURNAMES, click on one of the names in the summary screen, click default person, or just browse a tree.

After you select a person the name and basic information is displayed below the menu icons.   Everything you view is centered around this person

Use the pencil icon on the right to modify any name related information for this person


Main menu icons

Family Tree

This is the main data menu.  It has multiple sub menus.   If your logon ID has edit permissions you will see a red X to delete the item, or a pencil which allows you to edit the content.


Facts and events allows you to view and edit information on each event for the selected person.  You can also add new Fact or Event like residence, immigration, death, and many others.  Adding a new fact will trigger a pop up window into which you enter the data.


Families: displays parents, siblings, and spouse, and children info.   Use this menu to add or change these items.  This is the main menu option used when the tree is being built.  The available options change as relationships are created.   After you add a husband or wife you can add a child.  When there are multiple spouses make sure a child is associated to the correct pair


Sources: is to reference the places information was obtained from.  Help to show the information is valid or to decide which of multiple sources has a better chance of being correct - it may help when there are differences of opinion.


Notes: a place for free form comments.   The place you would put the information from Tomahawk trails, or just to tell a story


Media: add photos or scanned info here.   You can select one item as the preferred image for displaying on the reports.  Books, newspaper, tombstone, video are all types of content


Album:  One of the options to manage the collected media


Interactive Tree:  a quick way to show this specific charts.   In puts the selected person in the middle of the tree with ancestors and decedents on each side.  This is one of the views that is available in the CHARTS menu


Google Maps: is intended to show a Google map using the location information entered to each person.   To work the location information must be entered in a specific order



The name of the charts indicate the type of chart that will be shown.  Try them all then use the ones best suited for your requirement

I frequently use the Hourglass chart and the Relationship chart is helpful to see how people are related


Try the options and see if any of the lists are useful to you


View the family content based on calendar dates.   Includes events that are associated to dates like birth, death, or immigration


Has similar options to the CHARTS.   The output can be viewed in the web browser or saved as a PDF file


Use one of the options to quickly find people


When a person is selected this option provides a method to edit NAMES, GENDER, delete the entry, and to modify the raw GEDCOM data

Clippings Cart

Use this option to extract data into a GEDCOM file for use by another genealogy application




Basic data to include for a person in the family tree 



Given names: (first, middle)

Birth surname:


Date of birth:

Place of birth (city, province or region, country)

Sex (male / female)


For each marriage:

Date of marriage

Place of marriage

Given name of spouse (first, middle), last / maiden name

Divorce date if applicable


If deceased

Date of death

Place of death

Burial location